universel - tradução para Inglês
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universel - tradução para Inglês

universal, worldwide, global, pandemic
Alliance Israelite Universelle
worldwide, throughout the world


Coordinated Universal Time
<time, standard> (UTC, World Time) The standard time common to every place in the world. UTC is derived from {International Atomic Time} (TAI) by the addition of a whole number of "leap seconds" to synchronise it with Universal Time 1 (UT1), thus allowing for the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the rotational axis tilt (23.5 degrees), but still showing the Earth's irregular rotation, on which UT1 is based. Coordinated Universal Time is expressed using a 24-hour clock and uses the Gregorian calendar. It is used in aeroplane and ship navigation, where it also sometimes known by the military name, "Zulu time". "Zulu" in the phonetic alphabet stands for "Z" which stands for longitude zero. UTC was defined by the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR), a predecessor of the ITU-T. CCIR Recommendation 460-4, or ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (7/94), contains the full definition. The language-independent international abbreviation, UTC, is neither English nor French. It means both "Coordinated Universal Time" and "Temps Universel Coordonné". {BIPM (http://bipm.fr/enus/5_Scientific/c_time/time_1.html)}. {The Royal Observatory Greenwich (http://rog.nmm.ac.uk/leaflets/time/time.html)}. {History of UTC and GMT (http://ecco.bsee.swin.edu.au/chronos/GMT-explained.html)}. {U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology (http://its.bldrdoc.gov/fs-1037/dir-009/_1277.htm)}. {UK National Physical Laboratory (http://npl.co.uk/npl/ctm/time_scales.html)}. {US Naval Observatory (http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/systime.html)}. {International Telecommunications Union (http://itu.int/radioclub/rr/arts02.htm)}. {Earth's irregular rotation (http://foldoc.org/pub/misc/earth_rotation)}. (2001-08-30)


Universel se dit de ce qui peut s'appliquer à toutes et tous, qui peut être reconnu par le monde entier comme utilisable.
Exemplos do corpo de texto para universel
1. Redshift6 «Universel»: 4','' euros; Redshift6 «Prestige»: '','' euros.
2. A cette date, le service universel sera mis au concours.
3. Le Traité de non–prolifération nucléaire est quasi universel.
4. Il y a aussi un aspect universel dans ces photos.
5. C‘est un humaniste, et, ŕ ce titre, un ętre universel.